Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September! It's Fall and the leaves drop down

I'm a Sheep!

I'm a Farmer!

I'm a Bus Driver! Toot toot!

Look at me! I'm a big boy.

Tie-dyed and seeing the world in a whole new way.

September brought a lot more of the same, but with some marked changes. Everyone around me is much happier now that I am not so crabby most days. I am able to entertain myself for longer periods. I like tummy time now and will sit and play with my toys for longer stretches of time. When I drop my nuk, I am able to find it myself and put it back in my mouth. I really have become quite the mover and shaker. I am not yet crawling, but I am up on my knees and lurching back and forth. Everyone keeps saying any day now. Just the other day, I rolled several times across the floor in hot pursuit of the remote control. I absolutely LOVE my doorway jumper. I bounce and sway back and forth. Many fun times are had in that. I also love to take stroller rides around town and when I’m really lucky mom will stop at the school playground by our house and push me in the baby swing. Weeeeeee!!!

My Grandma Deb was back for her bi-monthly visit a week ago. I still don’t understand why she just doesn’t move here. We had a really good time. She made me laugh a lot, gave me baths, took me for super long stroller rides and read books and played with me. The day before she left we went out to the apple orchard. I rode the tractor and got my picture taken as a farmer, sheep and school bus driver. I loved the sheep, goats, and funny looking chickens that were on the farm. I had so much fun that I wasn’t crabby even though I didn’t get to take a nap until very late that day.

Just today only a few days before I turn 8 months, I was at Baby and Me class and everyone was clapping and I started clapping, too!