Friday, February 22, 2008

My first cultural experience

I slept all the way through it, but here I am at my first museum visit. We visited the Marine Art Museum with Grandma and Grandpa Van Tol. The museum staff were thrilled to have a young patron such as myself there visiting.

The rest of Febuary

My parents and I spent the rest of the month getting to know each other. I had to learn how to latch onto Mom just right, so I could get enough milk to fill my tummy. That took some time. After a few weeks, we eventually got it! Right from the start, I wasn't much of a sleeper except during the day. Boy, could I take long naps as long as there was daylight. Come night though- whoo hoo! It was party at my crib! I was lucky- I got visits from Grandma and Grandpa Kienow and Uncle Bryan and Grandma and Grandpa Van Tol and Uncle Jan within a few short weeks of being born.

The first two months you could often find me all swaddled up nice and cozy with one of my hands sticking out of the blanket touching my cheek.

Feburay 4, 2008

Mom and Dad are eager to take me home from the hospital, so we leave the very next day after I'm born. There is a big snow storm, so Grandma Lois's flight is canceled and she gets to hang out with us for an extra night.
Arie's tip to new moms: I was born 8 lbs and the 0-3 outfit Mom packed for me was WAY TOO BIG. Have newborn clothes ready for baby's first few weeks.

Febuary 3, 2008

January 31, 2008 Water breaks/leaks at the Y
February 1 10:30 p.m. Induction
February 2 Still nothing...
February 3 1:46 p.m. Mom promises me a car and I ARRIVE! I'm 8 lbs and 19 3/4" long Mom thought for sure I'd be bigger than that, but then again I did arrive 10 days early.

Febuary 1, 2008

Mom is pregnant with me! This is 2 days before I'm born.