Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 2008

Finally! It is nice enough for stroller rides! I'm told this was a long, cold winter. I love being outside. It is still cold, but we go wheeling around the neighborhood for short jaunts for a change of scenery. I love to ride along with Mom or Dad in the sling while they go for hikes up in the bluffs. Sometimes I look around and sometimes I sleep. I started smiling huge smiles this month. The grins I give my parents seem to melt their hearts.

Mom and Dad finally figured out a way to get some good sleep for hours in a row. I now sleep in a baby hammock instead of in their bed and get lots and lots of milk before bed. I even slept 7 hours in one shot once.

I'm getting stronger every day. I've heard people say how strong I was since I was really little (like one month old). But I'm gaining much more control over my own head.